Friday, October 25, 2013

Spending the Gold Cap #5: 60,000g footnote

What else to do once you hit gold cap, other than spend your fortune? In the Spending the Gold Cap series, I account for the money I earned as I spend it on Unclaimed Black Market Containers, and the occasional pet or mount from the auction house. There will be tears.

Something unfortunate happened with TradeSkillMaster, the addon I use to buy, sell and keep track of my income and expenses, since I last checked my accounting data. Namely, all of that data is gone. Vaporized. Perhaps it was erased when I recently updated my addons. Fortunately, I'd taken a screenshot of my accounting data six days ago when I won the second of three BMAH containers I'll be reporting on in this post. Because of that, I'm able to account for all but 32g of the difference between last post's remaining gold amount and this week's tally:

- 2,850g¹
- 60,000g²

Remaining Gold: 718,329g

¹ Purchased two battle pets, though I can't be bothered to remember which ones
² Pictured in the header; yes, I could've waited for a better deal
³ Laundered money

Unclaimed Container #1

Purchase Price: 6,670g
Resale Value: ≈3,500g

This will be the second pattern I have on the auction house with the hopes of recouping half of the gold I paid for it. US Horde mean price, according to the Undermine Journal, is right around 3,500g, so that's where I'll have mine listed for the time being. Given that this pattern yields armor that's on par with what one can rather easily acquire on the Timeless Isle, this one's probably only going to appeal to the pattern collectors. Hopefully there are still some of them around on my banker's dying server.

Unclaimed Container #2

Contained: Banana Charm
Purchase Price: 8,490g
Resale Value: 25,000g+

Could it be?! I can't decide if this is an item I could sell to recover some of the gold I've been spending, or just keep it in my collection (like it is now). The fact is, it's likely I could sell this and make money. If I'm remembering correctly, this is the first time that's happened since I started buying up BMAH containers.

Unclaimed Container #3

Contained: Mulgore Hatchling
Purchase Price: 5,780g
Resale Value: ≈3,000g

The Mulgore Hatchling comes from the Argent Tournament -- my guess is a lot of people either have this pet or don't even know about it. Or maybe don't care about it. I purchased this guy back when the Argent Tournament was current, and I don't intend to add a duplicate to my collection. Most likely I'll toss it up on the auction house for a few weeks, and if it doesn't sell, add it to my list of free duplicate pets.

This week's tally leaves me just under 700,000g, which in truth made me feel a bit uneasy:

- 6,670g
- 8,490g

Total Remaining Gold: 697,389g

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