There is an item coming in patch 6.1 that very well may render this guide obsolete for many pet battlers. The item, Ultimate Battle-Training Stone, instantly raises any pet you have to level 25. This item comes from a quest given at the Pet Menagerie. Of course, in order for this quest to become available, players must have a Pet Menagerie to begin with, meaning they must be level 100 and have upgraded their Garrison to Level 3.
My best guess at this point is that this will be a one-time quest per character; in other words, someone currently sitting with three max-level characters with Level 3 Garrisons should be able to access three of these once 6.1 drops, allowing them to instantly create a team of 25 pets without having to actually battle.
Great news for people looking to get into pet battles, not so great news for the longevity of this guide. Oh well. This was a labor of love, and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of players have gotten use out of it since I published it in late 2013.
Players who are looking to powerlevel additional pets to 25 may find my Intermediate, Veteran & Advanced guides helpful.
To be honest, I had no idea what I was getting into when I decided to put together a guide chronicling how to level pets from 1-25 for the first time. No powerleveling, no support from high-level pets, and none of the resources available to a veteran pet battler. The best thing I can compare it to is how leveling was during Vanilla WoW. You really aren't afforded any shortcuts the first time around. And I suppose that makes sense.
If you remember leveling back then, there was a fairly clear progression one would follow, moving from zone to zone in order to efficiently level up. You wanted to fight mobs that guaranteed a decent a mount of experience but not give you too much trouble so as to exhaust your time or resources. When it comes to pets, leveling a set---and it must be set---the first time around is a slow, methodical process.
I spent several weeks tracking and following conversations about pet leveling, especially on the forums at Warcraft Pets. I've solicited advice at @WoWPetExchange. There are a lot of really helpful, thorough tips out there, but there are very few I've found that offer a distinct edge when leveling a pet the first time around. Most of the tips and the guides out there revolve around having higher level pets. After compiling this guide, it is clear why.
You will quickly notice that in this guide I often have you fighting against pets of equal or lower level. This is mainly due to the cost/benefit of XP gained per time spent. Fighting higher levels pets often results in using all three pets while having to deal with a large cumulative loss of health and regular deaths. Completing this guide quickly relies on efficient management of pet health pools.
So, this one's for the first time around. All sections and subsections are listed by level range in case some people have leveled a team part of the way, but haven't finished for whatever reason. For instance, if you have a team of lvl 8 pets, you'll want to start in a zone where you're battling pets of a similar level.
I'm going to say it first for emphasis: don't set out to complete this guide in one sitting. Though it's not as long as the Vanilla grind from 1-60, it will take several hours (think 8-10 depending on certain variables) and it becomes rather tedious and monotonous at times. I recommend completing the grind over three or four sessions.
Level at least one pet with beast abilities and one with mechanical, as they are the faster to level up, in my opinion, simply because the sheer amount of beasts and critters you will encounter no matter which continent you're battling on. Tip: look for wild pets that are of beast or critter type, and start your pet with strong abilities.
Make the pets you are leveling are at least of green quality---ideally, you want blue quality pets as their stats will be the best. There may also be ideal pet "breeds." If you'd like to learn more about those, or really, if you're extremely new to pet battling, look over the pet battle introductory guide at Warcraft Pets. It's the best intro out there.
Know that capturing a wild pet during a battle vs. killing the entire team reduces the amount xp gained.
Let me know if you've found a flaw in my methods, or if you hit some sort of roadblock. I'd like to make this guide as simple and accurate as possible. If you have questions or comments, the easiest way to get in touch with me is via Twitter (@elepheagle).
Section 1a: Horde Levels 1-12
I've crudely marked on each map the relative location of the zone's tamer with a red dot as well as any applicable stable masters with a white dot. Remember, stable masters can heal and revive your pets. For those using an addon like TomTom, I've included coordinates for the tamers. Recommendations to fight trainers come at a time when I personally feel the player's pets should be at a level where they are fairly easy to beat. You may wish to attempt them at lower levels for a greater experience gain if you have a strong combo or if you are of the gambling type. I've separated the sections and listed them in order of the leveling progression. The numbers in parentheses after the zone name denote the level of wild pets players will encounter there.![]() |
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1. Varzok in Orgrimmar will get you started with pet battles. He'll have you complete a series of intro quests, one of which will be to raise a pet to lvl 3, which will in turn open your 2nd pet slot.
2. I highly suggest leveling pets with beast and mechanical abilities as you'll be fighting against many wild pets who are week against these families.
3. Travel to Zunta - Lvl 2 pets, the first in a long series of pet tamers you will fight, at 44,28 just southeast of Thunder Ridge. You should be able to win with just your lvl 3 pet.
4. A stable master can be found in Razor Hill.
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1. Fight Dagra the Fierce - Lvl 3 pets at 59,53 northeast of the Crossroads along the ridges/mountains. You may wish to raise a 2nd pet to lvl before fighting Dagra; she can be tough. Unlike Zunta, Dagra uses three pets. This will be the case with pet tamers moving forward.
2. Start flying towards Ashenvale, battling wild pets nearby to make sure two pets are lvl 5 before moving on. Note: your final pet slot will be accessible once you have leveled one pet to lvl 5. This will most likely happen battling Dagra.
3. Stable masters can be found at Ratchet, the Crossroads, and along the road leading west out of Farwatch Post.
Levels 5-7 - Ashenvale(4-6): Leveling your third pet
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2. Once your third pet is lvl 5 or 6, head over to Analynn - Lvl 5 pets at 20,29. Find her at the fork in the road east of Zoram'gar Outpost. Try defeating her with only your higher level pets.
3. Fly to Stonetalon Mountains, battling along the way.
4. Stable masters can be found at Hellscream's Reach, Silverwind Refuge and Splintertree Post.
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1. Level at least one pet to lvl 8.
2. Fight Zonya the Sadist - Lvl 7 pets at 60,72 southwest of Krom'gar Fortress at the small fork. If you have trouble, raise one or two pets to 9.
3. Stable masters can be found at Krom'gar Fortress and Sun Rock Retreat.
- 4. Start flying to Desolace, battling along the way.
Levels 8-10 - Desolace(7-9)
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2. Fight Merda Stronghoof - Lvl 9 pets at 57,46 in the Cenarion Wildlands. If you have problems defeating her, raise a pet to lvl 10 and return.
3. Find a stable master nearby Merda and one at Shadowprey Village.
4. Head towards the Southern Barrens, stopping to battle along the way.
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Levels 10-12 - Southern Barrens(9-10): Unlocking the pet tamers of Kalimdor
1. Raise two pets to lvl 11 or 12; I recommend lvl 12 before fighting this zone's tamer.
2. Fight Cassandra Kaboom - Lvl 11 pets at 40,80 near that small cave between Razorfen Kraul and Desolation Hold. She uses all mechanical pets and can be a pain.
3. Find stable masters at Desolation Hold and at Hunter's Hill.
4. Cassanda's defeat will grant you access to the next tier of pet tamers on Kalimdor.
6. This is where I like to take a break. Do something else. Like sleep eight hours, go see a movie, or get some fresh air depending on the situation. Just sayin'.
Section 1b: Alliance Levels 1-12
I've crudely marked on each map the relative location of the zone's tamers with a red dot as well as any applicable stable masters with a white dot. Remember, stable masters can heal and revive your pets. For those using an addon like TomTom, I've included coordinates. The recommendations to fight trainers come at a time when I personally feel the player's pets should be at a level where they are fairly easy to beat. You may wish to attempt them at lower levels for a greater experience gain if you have a strong combo or if you are of the gambling type. I've separated the sections and listed them in order of the leveling progression. The numbers in parentheses after the zone name denote the level of wild pets players will encounter there.Levels 1-3 - Elwynn Forest(1-2): Introducing pet trainers & your 2nd pet slot
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2. Travel to Julia Stevens - Lvl 2 pets, the first in a long series of pet tamers you will fight, at 41,84 on the northern corner of Maclure Vineyards. You should be able to win with just your lvl 3 pet.
3. A stable master can be found in Goldshire.
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1. Fight Old MacDonald - Lvl 3 pets at 61,19 just east of Jansen Stead. Make sure your lvl 1 sees one round of combat in order to gain xp, and in this case, a couple of levels. Unlike Julia Stevens, Old MacDonald uses three pets. This will be the case with pet tamers moving forward.
2. Battle wild pets nearby to make sure both pets reach lvl 5 before moving on. Your final pet slot will be accessible once you have leveled one pet to lvl 5. This will most likely happen battling Old MacDonald.
3. A stable master can be found in the southwestern section of Sentinel Hill.
Levels 5-7 - Redridge Mountains(4-6): Leveling your third pet
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1. Battle wild pets until at least two of your pets are lvl 7.
2. This is a good time to raise your third pet's level. I prefer to leave the third pet one level below the other two pets when leveling.
3. Once your third pet is lvl 5 or 6, head over to Lindsay - Lvl 5 pets at 33,53. Find her just east of the bridge leading into Lakeshire on the south side of the lake. With Lindsay and tamers moving forward, try to defeat them with only two pets or less.
4. A stable master may be found in Lakeshire.
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1. Leve two pets to lvl 8.
2. Fight Eric Davidson - Lvl 7 pets at 60,72. Find him in the center of Raven Hill cemetery. If you have trouble, raise one or two pets to 9.
3. The only stable master here is in Darkshire.
4. Start flying to Northern Stranglethorn, battling along the way.
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Levels 8-10 - Northern Stranglethorn(7-9)
1. Raise two pets to lvl 10.
2. Find Steven Lisbane - Lvl 9 pets at 46,40. He is directly northeast of Grom'gol Base Camp along the road (look northwest of that nearby fork).
3. Head towards the Cape of Stranglethorn, stopping ot battle along the way.
Levels 10-12 - Cape of Stranglethorn(9-10): Unlocking the pet tamers of Eastern Kingdoms
1. Raise two pets to lvl 12.
2. Fight Bill Buckler - Lvl 11 pets at 51,73 along the northern edge of the Wild Shore.
- 3. A stable master can be found in Booty Bay.
- 4. Bill's defeat will grant you access to the next tier of pet tamers in Eastern Kingdoms.
Section 2a: Horde Levels 12-19
Here, you'll be doing the same as the first section: grinding wild pets while traveling from zone to zone to battle level-appropriate pet tamers.Levels 12-13 - Feralas(11-12)
1. Begin by battling Traitor Gluk - lvl 13 pets at 60,50 along the road just south of the entrance to Dire Maul.
2. Stable masters can be found along the road east of Feathermoon Stronghold, in Camp Mojache and in Camp Ataya.
3. Head east towards Thousand Needles, raising two of your pets to lvl 13 before moving on.
Levels 13-15 - Thousand Needles(13-14)
1. Thousand Needles' tamer and the pets within are relatively easy to beat with a beast and mechanical comp; I've often leveled to 14 here, venturing into Dustwallow Marsh only to fight the tamer. Head to Dustwallow if you have trouble.
2. Fight Kela Grimtotem - lvl 15 pets at 32,33. Find her on a pinnacle just northwest of Darkcloud Pinnacle.
3. There are no stable masters in Thousand Needles or Duswallow Marsh.
Levels 13-15 - Dustwallow Marsh(12-13)
1. In Dustwallow Marsh, you'll find Grazzle the Great - lvl 14 pets just north of Onyxia's Cave at 54,75.
2. Once two of your pets reach lvl 15, head to Felwood.
1. Engage Zoltan - lvl 16 pets at 40,57 on the west side of the road to the northeast of Jadenaar. He should be beatable with your team, but if you have troubles, raise a pet or two to lvl 16.
2. A stable master can be found at Whisperwind Grove.
3. Fly towards Moonglade, battling along the way. Reach lvl 16 with at least two pets before moving on.
1. Raise two pets to lvl 17.
2. Elena Flutterfly - lvl 17 pets at 46,61 just off the road on the little island in the southeast part of the zone can be tricky. I've sometimes raised all three pets to lvl 17 before engaging her. Try her, and grind some more if you have trouble. Once Elena is defeated, you should earn the Taming Kalimdor achievement. You will now be able to battle each of the tamers listed in that achievement as a daily quest for bonus pet XP and reward bags. Too gain a bit of an XP boost for your team, revisit tamers who have pets no lower than 3 levels below your team.
3. There are no stable masters here.
4. Head towards Winterspring, not moving on until at least two pets are lvl 17.
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1. Stone Cold Trixxy - lvl 19 pets at 66,65, just east where the road leading from Mazthoril meets the road running north to south, can be very RNG. Certain attempts she'd be cake, other times I'd have great difficulty defeating her. It may help to have all three pets at level 19.
2. A stable master can be found in Everlook.
3. If you lost against Trixxy, grind in Winterspring until you can win.
4. Defeating Trixxy will grant you access to the Kalimdor master pet tamer daily quests. You should be able to fight Trixxy again, too. At level 19, it it's still worth it to fighting Zoltan, Elena Flutterfly, and Trixxy in this bunch before moving on since they're within 3 levels of your pets.
5. Now, if you can, lob your right hand over your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back a few times...you're halfway there! Here's where I recommend a break. Hit me up on Twitter if you're super bored and looking for ideas. Come back here tomorrow, fight the daily tamers from this section.
Section 2b: Alliance Levels 12-19
Levels 12-13 - Hinterlands(11-12)

2. Stable masters can be found at Aerie Peak and Stormfeather Outpost.
3. Head northeast towards Eastern Plaguelands, raising two of your pets to lvl 13 before moving on.

1. Battle Deiza Plaguehorn - lvl 14 pets at 67,52. She's hanging on the northwestern edge of the lake near Light's Hope Chapel. If you have trouble, raise a pet or two to level 14.
2. There are no stable masters in Eastern Plaguelands.
3. Battle in this zone until two of your pets reach lvl 14.
Levels 14-15 - Searing Gorge(13-14)
1. Battle Kortas Darkhammer - lvl 15 pets at 36,28. That's just north of the first "T" in "Thorium Point" on the map. Once again, if you have trouble, raise a pet or two to lvl 15.
2. A stable master may be found at Iron Summit.
3. Head towards the Swamp of Sorrows, battling until two of your pets have reached lvl 15.
Levels 16-17 - Swamp of Sorrows(14-15)
1. Raise two pets to lvl 16.
2. Battle Everessa - lvl 16 pets at 77,42. On the map, she's straight southwest of the "S" in Sorrowmurk, along the water's edge.
3. Find stable master at Bogpaddle and The Harborage.
4. Head towards Burning Steppes.
1. Fight Durin Darkhammer - lvl 17 pets at 26,48. See the path leading south out of Blackrock Mountain? Find him just east of where that path meets the other road. Once Durin is defeated, you should earn the Taming Eastern Kingdoms achievement. You will now be able to battle each of the tamers listed in that achievement as a daily quest for bonus pet XP and reward bags. Too gain a bit of an XP boost for your team, revisit tamers who have pets no lower than 3 levels below your team
2. Fly towards Deadwind Pass, battling along the way. Reach lvl 16 with at least two pets before moving on.
1. The final tamer in this section is Lydia Accoste - lvl 19 pets at 40,76. She's near Karazhan, on the southeastern side of that little domed building you can see on the map. She can be tricky, and it may help to raise two pets to lvl 19.
2. If you continue to lose against Lydia, you can do one of two things: move onto the next section of this guide and return to this spot once your pets are lvl 20, or grind them to level 20 here or in Swamp of Sorrows.
3. Defeating Lydia will grant you access to the Eastern Kingdoms master pet tamer daily quests. You should be able to fight Lydia again, too. At level 19, it it's still worth it to fighting Durin Darkhammer, Everessa and Lydia before moving on since they're within 3 levels of your pets.
4. Now, if you can, lob your right hand over your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back a few times...you're halfway there! Here's where I recommend a break. Hit me up on Twitter if you're super bored and looking for ideas. Come back here tomorrow, fight the daily tamers from this section.
Section 3: Levels 19-22 - Outland
We'll have a brief stint in Outland before moving on to the last section of the guide. Defeating the Grand Master tamer from the previous section will open up the master tamer quests in Outland. You'll be battling the first three or four as part of your time here.![]() |
1. You're headed for Nicki Tinytech - lvl 20 pets at 64,50. She stands near where the roads leading out from Thrallmar and Honor Hold meet and uses all mechanical pets. Because of this, she will be easily beatable with an elemental pet. If you do not have one, raise at least one pet to lvl 20 before engaging her.
2. Stable masters can be found in Honor Hold for Alliance and Thrallmar for Horde.
3. Head towards Zangarmarsh, battling along the way. Do not move on until at least two pets are lvl 20.
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1. Fly to the western part of Zangarmarsh and find Ras'an - lvl 21 pets at 17,51, located lakeside in Sporeggar while battling along the way.
2. You'll want to have beaten Ras'an and have earned lvl 21 with at least two pets before moving on.
3. Alliance have access to a stable master at Telredor.
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1. First raise two pets to lvl 22.
2. Engage Narrok - lvl 22 pets, found at 61, 49. Look for him just northwest of the Ring of Trials at the closest T-intersection.
3. You'll find an Alliance stable master in Telaar and a Horde stable master in Garadar.
4. At this point, you may want to try battling Morulu the Elder - lvl 23 pets at 59, 69 in Shattrath City.
Section 4: Finishing the Grind
How you complete this last section is up to you. I recommend battling in the Jade Forest, specifically seeking out beast and critter type pets. At level 23 or 24, you may choose to head back to Outland to finish any of the daily tamers you are eligible to fight for an XP boost. The wild pets in the Jade Forest are often found in clusters, they do not hit very hard, nor do they have lots of health.I hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you have any feedback or suggestions, because comment on this post or hit me up on Twitter.
Awesome! Was looking for something like this and this is perfect!
I was looking for a pet related blog & found your nice blog! I'll read this blog regularly :)
ReplyDeleteHey! Thanks for the comments, appreciate hearing from folks. :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome guide, haven't been into pet training that seriously until recently and your guide really helped me beef up the right pets to get through it all. Great work and thanks for the effort you put in! : D
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. Glad to hear it worked for you!
DeleteI also have a suggestion now that I've been on a bunny butchering spree, if money or professions allows it for players: invest in a personal world destroyer. At level 10 it will gain Trash which is effective vs. critters. Combined with Screeching Gears (not the highest damage skill but still quite effective against beasts) it will be a beast/critter slaying monster with a handy heal button. I call mine Schwarzie, after Schwarzenegger, the terminator :3
DeleteThat sounds like epic advice. I'm going to make sure I have one leveled. And that name is win.
DeleteWow. this is awesome and what I needed to finally get mine --at least one of them anyway--to 25.
ReplyDeleteThough I still prefer my all elemental 'because they are cute' team to battling a logical manner. XD
(I always used only Jigglypuff in pokemon too for the same reason.)
Play it how you want to! Glad to hear that the guide was still helpful. :) Thanks for letting me know.
DeleteThis seriously couldn't have come at a better time for me. I was trying to get my first few pets to 25 this past week, and the best advice I could find anywhere?
ReplyDelete"Battle pets 2-3 levels higher than yours, with a team of pets that is strong against them."
That's kind of a no brainer, but since I had a beast, an undead, and humanoid, and nothing even remotely close, that wasn't really applicable. However, the last couple paragraphs of this article were perfect, because I was afraid of going to Pandaria to fight. Now I'm glad I took your advice and did so, because I have 3 to level 25, and I can work on the Intermediate guide.
Thank you!
Glad you found it useful, and good luck!
DeleteIn your Alliance 12-19 section, you have Everessa and Durin Darkhammer backwards - Durin has level 17 pets, not 16, and Everessa has level 16 pets, not 17. Other than that its a great guide, incredibly helpful and I'm approaching level 20 with my first three pets right now :)
ReplyDeleteIndeed I do...thank you for pointing that out! I will amend it with the correct information. I appreciate you letting me know.
DeleteGreat guide, just wish you would expand it for every tamer battle in Northrend and Pandaria for us noobs!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alliecrombie!
ReplyDeleteAre there certain ones you're struggling with? I didn't include Northrend and Pandaria tamers because you shouldn't need to fight them when using this guide to get the first three up to level 25.
My intermediate (http://fecklessleader.blogspot.com/p/pet-leveling-guide.html) and veteran guides (http://fecklessleader.blogspot.com/p/1-25-veteran-pet-leveling-guide-10_27.html) do touch on SOME of those fights (Pandaria), but not nearly all of them, so I hear ya.
When I get stuck, I normally head over to http://wowhead.com and search the name of the NPC I'm fighting. The commenters there usually have good recommendations on the best way to take down an NPC.
Hope that helps!
LOVE this guide!! Was slogging through a massive bunch of about 15 pets, trying to level them all at the same time (covering every type, etc.) when I decided to look for tips to make it easier, and this guide is such a help!!
ReplyDeleteI use it constantly as a point of reference now, not only when I am looking for zones to level specific pets, but also for it's extremely handy pin-pointing of the stable masters in each zone visited.
This guide has made it onto my list of invaluable resources.
Thanks so much! ^_^
Thanks Mia! Glad you've found it helpful. Happy battling. :)
DeleteFor when the leveling is done, the Terrible Turnip is awesome for capturing new pets, as its main attack will always leave 1hp :)
ReplyDeleteIndeed! I use the Turnip for most of my captures.
DeleteI don't think I see it suggested, but the first pets you want to level should be probably be rares/blues or uncommons/green. Most people should have a small handful if they've been playing for a while. The rares have the highest stats and can make the fights easier.
ReplyDeleteI was leveling one of each, going with the specialty pets. The rares had easy fights. The one uncommon I had was constantly dieing.
Yeah---that's really good advice and should be included. I'll add it. Can't believe no one's said anything up til now...thank you!
DeleteGreat guide! I had a foot up by having a lot of rare pets already and went with Clockwork Gnome, Celestial Dragon, and Zergling. Worked out great.. clockwork with basically a full heal, and turrets that stack, 2 abilities that kill beasts, and a swap in for harming dragons. Zergling has a small vampiric heal, abilities versus flying and critter, celestial dragon.. massive damage vs flying, and some swap ins to hurt critters/mechanical, plus a low cool down heal (best pet ever). I killed most of the tamers early... only having a little trouble with burning steppes massive fire damage, and that last tamer in E.K. Thanks Ross. -justin
ReplyDeleteHey Justin-
DeleteHappy to hear the guide has been helpful to you...thanks for letting me know.
The 1-12 Tamers I could not do the dailies until I finished the Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms and then the tamers on that continent master dailies unlocked
ReplyDeleteYou should be able to access the daily tamers as soon as you complete the intro quests in your faction's capital city.
DeleteThanks to your guide I finally manage to level up my pets 20 (work in progress to 25). You may want to include a guide to the pet masters in each zone and their pet types in the future. Thanks Again. :)
ReplyDeleteWith every new expansion, I get completely wrapped up in Wow. Usually I max out gear, raid, finish the raiding and get bored even though I don't have all reputations at Exalted or finished all quests, or have every class / race at max level. As much as it infuriates me, the pet aspect of the game has sucked me in. I had decided I was not going to be farming for a stupid pet that has a 1:10,000 drop rate...aaaaaaand, yeaaaaah, that happened (yup, the Dark and Tiny Crimson Whelpling were mine at 1189 kills and 6700 something kills respectively. It occurred to me that leveling and capturing would be easier with some level 25s. I had been doing them in groups (atm I have 93 rare level 10s that I was thinking about how to get them all to 15) I've been looking around for some good suggestions and your guide Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced guides have really helped. I have 3 at 22 now, and know will be at lvl 25 soon (my first 25s) Sincerely, good work on the guide and thank you very much!
ReplyDelete~Shiverina, Ysera Horde
Awesome, glad to hear you're having fun---happy battling!
DeleteHey there, I was wondering if you might answer a question. The guide mentions "4. Bill's defeat will grant you access to the next tier of pet tamers in Eastern Kingdoms. It also means each of the pet tamers you've previously battled now offer a daily quest, i.e. you can battle them once per day."
ReplyDeleteI've defeated bill (and other taerms) in the Eastern Kingdoms, but I'm not getting any daily quests from them. This means it's hard to get bandages and I don't get that hot hot XP. Did Blizzard take these dailies out? Or is this a bug for me? Thanks in advance for the answer.
DeleteMy apologies -- that info is incorrect. In your case, you need to finish the achievement called Taming Eastern Kingdoms which has you defeat all of the tamers up to Durin Darkhammer. Once you get the achievement, then the dailies unlock. Thanks for catching that one---you're the first person to have said anything.
Thanks for the response. No apology needed. The guide has been more than helpful--especially for someone behind the curve like me. Thanks for the quick response.
ReplyDeleteFound this today, got 3 pets to lvl 19 and it's time for a break ^^ great job!
ReplyDeleteYay! Glad you found it, and more so glad you've found it useful. Once you have more pets leveled, be sure to check out the Intermediate and Veteran guides I've assembled.
DeleteThanks for dropping me a line. :)
I love your guides. Thanks for taking the time to create them for the general public - I have a lot of respect for that. I don't know if this has been covered - but before the new raids were released - the Battlefield: Barrens quests allowed you to get a Battle Pet named Gahz-rooki (you can still get it but I think it's a lot harder now).
ReplyDeleteBut I have been using this pet since the beginning - and as it rises through the levels - it just tears stuff to pieces. I kill stuff now in usually in a few hits - and if not - I'll use the DEVOUR ability - which not only gives you two attacks (which do a lot of damage) but if they kill the opponent - one of two things will happen (or both depending on how far you are into the battle):
#1: If your opponent dies - you get a big chunk of hit points back
#2: If your opponent dies and there is another opponent in line - you basically get a free, instant attack that usually does a lot of damage
His water effect is another good attack and basically gives you a free attack (as a backup). It also does a lot of damage and continues into the next round even if you switch fighters.
I recommend leveling this all the way to 25. It will be easily one of your BEST battle pets against any and all comers. I use the following team:
Panda Monk
Thanks again for your time and efforts!!
Silvansaria (Hunter)
Nordrassil server
Awesome---I did grab Gahz before the event ended, but have not leveled him up. Will definitely check it out. Thanks for the advice, and glad you've found the guides helpful!
DeleteThank you for this guide. It would be nice if you could fix the guide to reflect what is said here in comments regarding the ability to do the daily quests. There are two parts where the information is incorrect (I've done the horde part):
ReplyDeleteIn section 2A you first say that "Remember, if you're starting this section on a fresh day with your set of level 12 pets, you should go back and battle all daily tamers level 9 and up from Section 1." (which of course cannot be done because if starting from fresh, you won't have unlocked the daily quests from the achievement).
Then at part "Levels 16-17 - Moonglade (15-16)":
"2. Elena Flutterfly - lvl 17 pets at 46,61 just off the road on the little island in the southeast part of the zone can be tricky. I've sometimes raised all three pets to lvl 17 before engaging her. Try her, and grind some more if you have trouble. Once Elena is defeated, you should earn the Taming Kalimdor achievement. You will now be able to battle each of the tamers listed in that achievement as a daily quest for bonus pet XP and reward bags." Which is incorrect because Stone Cold Trixxy is also required for that achievement.
Now in the Stone Cold Trixxy part you say
"Defeating Trixxy will grant you access to the Kalimdor master pet tamer daily quests. You should be able to fight Trixxy again. At level 19, it it's still worth it to fighting Zoltan, Elena Flutterfly, and Trixxy before moving on since they're within 3 levels of your pets." This is of course true, but you link the quest Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor, which doesn't include killing Trixxy (maybe I didn't understand what you were really saying?). And also I got this quest after defeating Cassandra Kaboom.
I'm currently leveling my pets to be able to beat Elena :)
Updated guide w/ all suggestions.
DeleteYou're correct with the 1-12 tamers. I'm not sure why I had access to them so early, but you can't see them anymore until you pass the entire continent. Thanks again.
"In section 2A you first say that "Remember, if you're starting this section on a fresh day with your set of level 12 pets, you should go back and battle all daily tamers level 9 and up from Section 1." (which of course cannot be done because if starting from fresh, you won't have unlocked the daily quests from the achievement)."
ReplyDeleteWhat I mean by "fresh day" is that you've already beaten those tamers, stopped playing, and started the next day. Last December, that's precisely what I did several times in putting together this guide.
"Then at part "Levels 16-17 - Moonglade (15-16)":"
Good catch. Perhaps I missed people calling this mistake out in the comments up til now---thanks, I will change this!
"Now in the Stone Cold Trixxy part you say"
Perhaps it's not clear, but the very FIRST time you defeat the final trainer to unlock the "meta-daily" that I linked (the one without Stone Cold being a requirement), you can battle Stone Cold again because of having unlocked the dailies, and you will also be given the quest referenced above seemingly whether Horde OR Alliance. But I've heard it has sometimes glitched out for people who battle regularly on both Horde and Alliance toons.
Thank you reading and for taking the time to point out these flaws. I'll update the guide today.
Hey man, first of all I love your guides. Read em all, but am still using this one. Had a quick question though. Do you think I can get to 25 with a team consisting of Lil XT(17), Spirit of Competition(15), and Phoenix Hatchling(15)? Doing so fairly painlessly? Thanks for all your help from these guides too!
ReplyDeleteWhoops. Also, thank you for the compliment on the guides---forgot to mention that in my first reply. It's early, and still recovering from Blizzcon. ;)
DeleteUsing this very guide, absolutely.
ReplyDeleteI discovered the grinding out of levels on pets to be rather tedious, so I developed an alternate strategy.
ReplyDeleteFind the Tamer you need to beat next, check out what the counters are (double counter if possible - ie. reduced damage taken and increased damage done) and go grab any old uncommon/common/uncommon or rare if you are feeling lucky. Add the pets to your collection and form teams for each. BOOM! I beat Lydia in Eastern Kingdoms with a lvl 12 STrand Crawler and 2(17+18) Frogs from Zangarmash. Ret of my pets I'd been leveling are still sitting at 14/15 and I'm on the way to Outland.
I'll be looking for a couple random Elementals to beat the first Outland Tamer!
I have been searching for a guide like this one, but I found one thing wrong with yours, I am currently looking for pets at lvl 21-22 and in your guide you say Nagrand is the area to go, but upon spending time waiting for my hearth to CD, I fly all the way there and can only find lvl 19 pets, some even 18. Wth, now where do I go?
ReplyDeleteI think you've misread the guide. I state YOU will be leveling from 21-22 in that zone, but the pets you'll be fighting (aside from the tamer) will all be 18-19. If you'd like to battle higher level pets with your 21s, I'd suggest going to the Jade Forest, as there are fairly easy combos out there.
DeleteWhen pet battling went live, I anticipated no interest in it. I tried it and my suspicions were correct. Recently, however, I've been looking for something new to do as my gear is fairly complete across seven different level 90's and I've done too many transmog runs to hold my interest. This time, I thought, I'll check into a guide to see if if it makes any difference with my experience. Wow, am I glad I did. Not only did your guide provide the basic knowledge to get going in the right direction, but I actually had fun - lots of fun leveling three pets to 25 (Anubisath Idol, Dread Hatchling, and Clockwork Gnome) in very little time. I've even visited the Blizzard Pet Store for a purchase or two as a result. But the best part is I've found a new way to enjoy WoW, while my 11 m/o son is cruising around the room - I don't have to dedicate my full attention and can get up and down at my leisure with him. Pretty cool, for a busy dad that still enjoys some gaming time. Only update/error I found is the information on trainers in Zangarmarsh. The Horde has access to trainers at the Cenarion Refuge and Zambra'jin. Overall, amazing work!
ReplyDeleteGreat guide! Followed it all the way and man, made me love pet battles! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteYou should probably add that after you defeat Merulu or whatever his name is (the last guy in shattrath), you get a 2nd quest in outland to defeat Bloodknight Antari. Should suggest ppls to do that one aswell, just a tip for you.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if it was necessary to defeat the pet masters or not? Could I just level my pets and come back to beat them later?
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's strictly necessary, but they do provide quite an attractive XP boost if you can defeat them at the level I suggest. If you're struggling with a tamer, then yea---gain two or three levels with your pets and return, though the boost won't be as attractive.
DeleteTaming the Eastern Kingdom now also requires Lactoste beaten instead of getting it at Durin.
ReplyDeleteThanks taking the time to put together this guide! I enjoy collecting vanity pets for just vanity, and never really got into Pet Battles. I'd love to open the Menagerie in my Garrison so that I can have a few fellas wandering about, so it looks like I'll be using this guide!
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of questions, though. In 1B Alliance, Lakeridge section, Step 3, you say "With Lindsay and tamers moving forward, try to defeat them with only two pets or less.". Why? Doesn't battling the tamers give a big chunk of XP, and don't only the pets who participated in the battle earn any XP? Wouldn't I want to ensure all 3 pets get in on the action to ensure maximum gains? I think I'm missing something here.
Also, why do you prefer keeping one team member a level below the rest?
Hey Julie! Thanks for the comments and I hope this guide helps you get to where you want to be as fast as you want to get there!
DeleteFirst question: Mainly a suggestion because yes, the XP is distributed to pets who participated---meaning two pets get more XP each vs. if there were 3 pets in the equation. Using just two, this provides a small boost to the levels of two of your pets, making the third even more easy to carry as you level up.
Second question: Solely to keep moving---no need to stay in a zone longer than you need to, and I generally found that two pets at the level required for the next zone will often suffice.
Hope that clear it up a bit!
Thanks, that all makes complete sense. Can't wait to get that Menagerie open!
DeleteDefinitely. Seeing your Fel Flame giving garrison tours to a handful of other pets adds a certain light-heartedness to the atmosphere!
DeleteFirst of all, thank you for a guide to this step that everyone else seems to assume we know how to do. :) If I had pets to level 25 already aI would not need help getting more there.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to point out a couple editorial points just to help you improve the page:
SECTION 2B: ALLIANCE LEVELS 12-19; images for Levels 16-17 - Swamp of Sorrows(14-15) and Levels 15-16 - Burning Steppes(15-16) appear to be swapped. Also, and I know I've done this before because it passes spell check. you have "Too gain a bit of an XP boost for your team, revisit tamers who have pets no lower than 3 levels below your team" instead of "To gain [...]".
Thanks again for taking the time to put this together.
Hey! Thank you for your comments and I'm glad this guide helped you. Thank you also for the editorial comments! There are a few errors in these guides that I didn't catch or haven't gotten around to fixing. I will get on that. Thanks for helping me improve!
DeleteI have been using your guide and I am very pleased with it. I wanted to take a moment and thank you for your hard work in the development of this page. I am new to Battle Pets as a whole, and this guide has proved to be a great source of hints and tips. The added humor here and there is appreciated, because yes...it can get dull.
ReplyDeleteI have been leveling three pets this way. So far I have the following:
Lil' Ragnaros to level 18
Lil' XT to level 18
Chrominius to level 19
So, my question is as follows: what do I do once my pets are level 25? I am curious as to how I should go about leveling my other pets quickly once I max my first three pets. My long term goal is to enter the argent tournament, and I assume the first three are the hardest and after that it should be a little less time consuming for all 30? Any pointers or suggestions? Thank you very much for your time and hard work with this guide! It has really paid off for me, and many other users as well!
Hey Lurtz!
DeleteThanks for the kind words. So nice to hear from folks who are still finding this guide useful...and glad I'm not the only one who likes my humor! :D
Not to plug myself, but once you've gotten your first set to 25, I have an Intermediate Guide and a Veteran Guide (as well as a 1-25 in FOUR Fights, which you're not ready for yet), all of which can be found linked on this page in the right-hand column. If you can't find them, let me know and I'll reply in a comment.
The Intermediate and Veteran guides have you power-leveling (carrying) a third pet, but your mileage may vary depending on what you are working with. Take a peek at those, let me know if they apply at all and we'll take it from there. If they're not of any help based on where you are starting right now, not only will it be good info for me, but I may be able to give you some suggestions for next steps.
To add: Just looked at the Intermediate Guide---it's been a while---and that should be enough to get you started given the 3 you have at 25. Good luck!
DeletePerfect. I will take a look at that today. Thank you for responding :)
DeleteCorrection on original comment: trying to enter the Celestial Tournament...not argent :P
Ha! I skimmed right over "Argent" the first time---must've known what you meant. As far as solid strats out there for the CT, I have used the guide found in the forums on Icy-Veins.com, and also used the main guide you can find on Wowhead.com.
DeleteGood luck!
Might want to add that if you've unlocked the Outlands tamers, you have to go to Blasted Lands and talk to Zidormi (on the road in the mountains to Swamp of Sorrows) and turn the time back to before the invasion. Sometimes it glitches and the tamers won't talk to you, unless you do that. Also remember to go back once done in Outlands and talk to her again to return to WoD.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say, thanks for the guides.
ReplyDeleteI've just started pet battles, as a slow, but different way to lvl my 96 Rogue. (I've done the WoD quests on two 100s now, and I don't like doing dungeons without my pals around.)
So it saddens me somewhat that this new lvl 25 pet stone thing is on its way. Helpful I guess, but eh.
Either way, just wanted to say that I'm not just going to wait for the stone. My SUPER PET TEAM, is now lvl 16, and I'm going to forge on, in order to get the most out of your guide!
Thanks once again matey!