Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Feckless Leader turns one

I can't remember why I returned to Twitter in the Summer of 2012, but I'm glad I did. In spring of 2011, I joined mainly to reserve a handle, as if there was ever a risk of  "elepheagle" being taken by someone else. I ended up making some use of it during Blizzcon 2011 -- as much as the overburdened networks at the convention center would allow. After the con ended, I went dark for almost a year.

Then, right around the time of Diablo 3's release, the guild I was in essentially ceased raiding, and shortly thereafter experienced a small exodus. For all purposes, our raiding guild was dead. We were friends who played WoW together, not a hardcore raiding guild. But since this was happening on a server with a declining population, all of a sudden it wasn't likely we'd be able to recruit enough people to even fill the 10-player raid team.

But I knew I wasn't done. So if it seemed the community in my immediate area was dwindling, it was time to branch out elsewhere. I started reading more blogs and eventually ended up creating this here space. I went with Feckless Leader because I thought I was going to talk about my experience learning about group dynamics, player-to-player relations and leading raids in the context of a casual 10-player raiding guild. That didn't happen, but I'm pleased where I'm at.

One year ago today, I published the first post to this blog, and the reason I'm noting this is because of how awesome I've found the community to be in the last year -- really the first year I've tried to immerse myself to a level I've not come close to in the past. I've somehow managed to publish over 100 posts, four in-depth and quite popular pet battle guides, connected with hundreds of awesome folks on Twitter -- hell, I was on a podcast. I italicize that word for me, not for you, because I would've laughed at you if you said that'd be the case at the start of this year.

I know it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it means a lot to me. The relationships I've developed. The small exchanges we share on a day-to-day basis, or perhaps only occasionally. Regardless, I love and value the vibrant and diverse community here and am super grateful to feel part of it. And what's cooler is I'm connecting with new, awesome people on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. And as different as we are from one another, we have this passion that binds us.

My one regret is that I didn't do this sooner.

So thank you, friends. Thank you for reading, for commenting and sharing your ideas and your spaces with me. I'm looking forward to the next year and beyond.



  1. Happy Anniversary :). Looking forward to reading your posts in the coming year.

  2. Congrats! Happy Blog Anniversary!
